IBM hackathon: Universal Banking Access

Min-Wen Liu

User Experience Designer

Copyright ©minwen liu 2020 All Rights Reserved

Project: Universal Banking Access

Role: UX Designer, Researcher

Project type: 45 hrs IBM Hackathon

I joined the IBM Hackathon in november 2016 and build up our team with a front end developer and a physics PhD student, and the target is to create a barrierefreie Financial Services.

The Challenge

Outthink Disability - cognitive and barrier-free financial services

Cognitive computing with voice and gesture control to simplify daily financial transactions

Desk research

In the first step we made a quick desk research to know more about the online banking service, collecting user feedback and analysis the competitor.

User Research & Interview

In the first step we had a interview with the user: Matthias Schäfer, he is the manager of frankfurt dialog museum. He was born blind and he is a Technology enthusiast, he used MacBook, iPad, iPhone, and smartwatch very often. We asked him the about his online banking service experience and stories about online shopping.

User insight

After the interview, we collected all of the user comments on post it and shared to other team members.

There were many different problems, e.g. when he browsed a website which had many images, was very difficult to translate with the screen reader for blind users. Because the only feedback from the screen reader was “This is an image”. So if the login page or authentication process need to recognize a picture, was a big problem for him.

How might we help..

user to have a better experience for barrier free online banking services?

Identify problems and opportunities

We sort the user insight and problems into many categories, picture, barrier free navigation, social network, security, platform..and so on.

We tried to find the opportunities and start to brainstorming, then create the concept.

Brainstorming & ideation

After brainstorming we create at least 20 ideas, during the process we share ideas with team members and other participators, we get many useful and inspiring feedbacks, we had a discussion again and design to combine these ideas.

Our solution - One interface for all your banking

- Barrier free

- Familiar interface

- Streamlined banking experience

- Switching accounts

UX concept/Flow

Prototype & Coding


We did our presentation from user perspective, to told audience the story.

Next steps - powered by Watson

- Fully secure

- Personalized to your habits

- Automatic task creation process